

Improve Your Smile With Orthodontic Treatment In Austin, TX

Our commitment to patient care and satisfaction allows us to introduce advanced orthodontic solutions to address misalignments and bite problems. Whether you are seeking traditional braces or Invisalign aligners, we are here to straighten your teeth with gentle, age-appropriate orthodontic care.

Why Choose Us For Orthodontic Services In Austin, TX?

Here’s what makes us the leading and trusted orthodontic service provider in Austin, TX.

  • Customized Treatments: With our orthodontist, you can explore a wide range of orthodontic services to meet your smile goals. We specialize in crafting traditional metal braces made of high-grade stainless steel to align your teeth without causing any discomfort. Clear braces and clear aligners are very popular picks at our clinic, straightening countless smiles discretely. Our Invisalign aligners deliver fast and efficient results without imposing any food restrictions.
  • Exceptional Care: We have a friendly team to assist you and your family through every stage of your orthodontic journey. Our services focus on correcting misalignment issues like crowding, underbites, rotated premolars, uneven gaps, crossbites, and crooked teeth with perfection. To accompany patients better for a smile transformation, we educate them about the procedures and possible outcomes.
  • Advanced Technology: The use of modern technologies helps our orthodontist monitor the movement or straightening of your teeth. Even before the treatment begins, you can take a glimpse into your new smile with cutting-edge visualizing software. From capturing computer-generated images of your teeth to giving you a straighter grin, expect a hassle-free orthodontic experience.

Ready to achieve a flawless smile, overcoming all orthodontic concerns? BLVD Dentistry & Orthodontics offers you personalized orthodontic treatment in a warm, relaxing setup. Your search for an orthodontist in Austin, TX, to treat you like a family can end today at our office.

Dr. Andrew Cummings, Dr. Nisha Bhorania, and Dr. Ross Brenner want you and your loved ones to smile confidently. At BLVD Dentistry & Orthodontics, we create an inviting atmosphere to ensure a comfortable orthodontic experience for patients. We focus on the appearance of your teeth and overall oral health while customizing orthodontic treatment in Austin, TX.